伊芸 研吾
Kengo Igei
2005年早稲田大学理工学部卒業後、2007年早稲田大学大学院経済学研究科、2008年政策研究大学院大学International Development Studies Programをそれぞれ修了。2017年東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科にて博士号(国際協力学)取得。国際協力機構研究所(当時)やコンサルティング企業等を経て、2021年より慶應義塾大学大学院政策・メディア研究科特任講師(2023年より特任准教授)。2023年一般社団法人エビデンス共創機構を設立。
【兼 職】
慶應義塾大学大学院政策・メディア研究科 特任准教授
一般社団法人エビデンス共創機構 代表理事
- 研究分野・主な関心領域
- 応用計量経済学
- 教育経済学
Maruyama, T., & Igei, K. (2023) Community-wide support for primary students to improve foundational literacy and numeracy: Empirical evidence from Madagascar, Economic Development and Cultural Change, forthcoming.
Kurokawa, H., Igei, K., Kitsuki, A., Kurita, K., Managi, S., Nakamuro, M., & Sakano, A. (2023) Improvement impact of nudges incorporated in environmental education on students’ environmental knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors, Journal of Environmental Management, 325, 116612.
Takahashi R., Igei K., Tsugawa Y., & Nakamuro M. (2023) The effect of silent eating during lunchtime at schools on the COVID-19 outbreaks, RIETI Discussion Paper Series 23-E-068.
Maruyama, T., & Igei, K. (2023) Developing collective impact to improve foundational learning: Evidence from Madagascar after the COVID-19 pandemic shock, JICA Ogata Research Institute Discussion Paper No.15.
Maruyama, T., & Igei, K. (2023) Scaling up interventions to improve basic reading: Evidence from Madagascar after the COVID-19 pandemic shock on education, JICA Ogata Research Institute Discussion Paper No.4.
Igei K., Kurokawa H., Iseki M., Kitsuki A., Kurita K., Managi S., Nakamuro M., & Sakano A. (2022) Nudges to increase the effectiveness of environmental education: New evidence from a field experiment, RIETI Discussion Paper Series 22-E-111.
Igei, K., Takio, K., Aoyagi, K., & Takasaki, Y. (2021) Vocational training for demobilized ex-combatants with disabilities in Rwanda, Journal of Development Effectiveness 13(4): 360-384.
Yuki, T., & Igei, K. (2020) School autonomy and learning outcomes in Burkina Faso and Senegal in Mikiko Nishimura (ed.) Community participation with schools in developing countries: Towards equitable and inclusive basic education for all, Routledge.
Igei, K. (2020) Does learning the social model improve behavior towards persons with disabilities? A randomized experiment for taxi drivers in South Africa, JICA Research Institute Working Paper 204.
Suzuki, A., & Igei, K. (2019) Does efficient provision of business development services yield better results for SMEs?: Evidence from a networking project in Thailand, Journal of Development Effectiveness, 1–27.
Igei, K. (2018) Were the adverse effects of disability on employment mitigated during 2002-2015 in South Africa?: A pseudo-panel approach, JICA Research Institute Working Paper 168.
Igei, K. (2017) Untangling disability and poverty: A matching approach using large-scale data in South Africa, JICA Research Institute Working Paper 142.
Igei, K., & Yuki, T. (2015). Determinants of school enrollment of girls in rural Yemen: Parental aspirations and attitudes toward girls’ education, JICA Research Institute Working Paper 107.